Predictions 2021, The False Prophet revelation and his followers collapsing

Predictions for 2021

WOW What is occurring now is insane beyond words. Seeing how our world has shifted into complete darkness. Seeing how the leader of the US; the man that was suppose to lead us creates a war within the walls of our capital.

What I still do not understand is how is he roaming free? How is this insane individual not even institutionalized at the very least. Then how thousands of people still believe in his false negatives.

We will call it “The Trump Cult”.

Today I was listening to Chuck interview some of the so called Trump supporters that have now decided that Trump over night lost his noggin.

Senator Paxton every time they asked him about Trump’s radical tweets said “well you know. Now says Trump is a Powerful man that used his power to share falsehood , he even called him a Demi God. He then expressed no one could have seen this coming. “None of us ever contemplated, his unbelievable actions”. All said by Senator Paxton. The president spiraled down into this kind of madness, the tweets were different they didn’t indicate this was coming.”

I have been sharing this man is Charles Manson with power and we all saw what he accomplished.

Let’s go back to a truly radical comparison

America Horror

When they were freaking out that Donald Trump would become president, where the crazy’s were going to use his madness to feed and take action upon their own. The killings on the streets, and so on. Was American Horror predicting what we are witnessing today?

This that we are seeing is a wake up call.

THIS is the time for humanity, to come together, to find peace and compromise. Together to find a medium and try to work with one another.

THIS past year we have seen more deaths than in other time in history.

We have compared and contrasted and their has been no historic event that has surpassed what we have witnessed.

What spirit shared with me.

I have witnessed that the Corona Virus has been a man made virus that was not suppose to be leaked out the way it did. It was a mistake and when the doctor in Wuhan was going to share this he was murdered. This was going to be used to bring some races down but it was not suppose to have been released. Since this Virus comes from animals with a more simple yet synchronized DNA that can be fought. We humans have compromised systems therefore this virus easily breaks those systems down to its core takes away immunity and breathing then completely shuts down.

Just as you can see how some catch the virus and never even feel it.

I have had messages that frogs defense mechanism can help with this virus. I have messaged drug companies to look into this as I am no doctor.

What spirit says to you.

Vitamin D

Use both as intake and sun. best sun is one hour prior to sundown and within the first hour of sunlight.

Vitamin C remember our bodies do not easily absorb those vitamins so mix natural with intakes.




Peanut butter

Vitamin B-12 for energy and to absorb the rest of the vitamins.

Believe it or not

Coffee, Real pure dark chocolate.

When you get home from going out, spray your mask with alcohol and sun dry (windows etc.).

Shower as soon as you get home put your clothes in the wash, brush your teeth and use mouth wash as this kills germs in the mouth.

I even take the extra measure and wash my hair and jewelry.

When you are out, use alcohol spray in your car and hand sanitizer.

Change your masks between shops don’t touch the outside of the masks.

I know overwhelming but so is this pandemic.


The Virus has now shifted wow intense, just when everyone thought the vaccine will seize this battle.

We are shifting and evolving and this year we have been pushed to change. Some of us will not make it either by choice or by the changes.

Those of us that do make it have to see the truth and act upon it to make positive changes. Not through hatred but through love.

We have to see that we are going into a NEW Era, an Era of unity of clarity of truth but of vision.

If someone is sharing destruction we need to take time look and listen is this right?

Am I doing the right thing?

Is it right for me to destroy someone because they are different from myself.

I saw that Vice President Pence was going to share his truth, I see a book, I see interviews the truth will all come out.

Our president is one of the elites. All this will come out.

I mean it is our choice we either connect with Divine light or darkness.

What spirit shares Biden will be attacked, I see major leaders losing their lives and or in critical states.

I see open shootings.

This does not end because we are awakening and in order to awaken their has to be chaos to witness, see and experience.

I see massive suicides.

I see bombs,

I see a tsunami this spring to early summer.



Prepare with food for weeks even months. Be prepared as the madness will take to the streets the first few months of 2021.

I see dead in the street.

I have also seen the celestial beings walking our earth, touching many sharing comfort, love and hope.

I have seen the angels healing.

I have seen us coming together in spiritual awakening and connection.

I see how the waters will rise and we will see some of the beings that have been living their for thousands of years.

Some celestial beings have been here all along.

Take this time to share love, Pray together connect with one another.


Positive outcomes.

More giving, more great people becoming rich and sharing their riches.

People sharing homes, food, and resources.

I see trading and bartering. I see more home foods grown and shared with neighbors.

More farmers markets rising more online shops to sell goods within their own communities through social media.

I see the world shifting and not allowing the darkness to win.

We are entering the Era of Aquarius Finally and we will unite through this chaos and love and share our love.

Share the peace.

We can already see some of these great acts.

I see large acres being bought and tiny houses being built for the multitude of homeless.

I see some of the poorest being able to buy homes for their first times because prices go down.

Invest in yourself, in learning in reading is inner expansion.

I share weekly spiritual messages in my youtube channel




The Miracle of the 72 names of God

Uncovering the mysteries of the universe, even when mercury is retrograde and you cannot get out of bed.

A few years ago my cousin gave me a book

When I first got the book I didn’t understand it. I read it was suppose to hold some incredible power. I didn’t even know how I was suppose to use it. My cousin gave me the book and the cards that went with it. I moved put everything away and lost touch with this energy.

Spirit spoke and said “Find the book”. Just like when I found “Angelspeakes by Barbara Mark and Trudy Griswald.

Of course I listened. I re-read the book and fell in love with its content.  I will be honest it did take a little while to understand how to connect with the 72 names of God. It actually happened acidently.

In the book the author asks that you mediate on each name. That by just looking at the name this exact power would connect and manifest.

It was about a few weeks ago. After months of doing this. Yes the book is amazing the energy is amazing.BUT!!!! I had yet to connect with its true power.


The next part is a game changer.

I was connecting with the name of spiritual ascension. It was name 42

Prosperity  Samech Aleph Lamed  72 Names of God image 0

This name is suppose to connect you with the mysteries of the universe. The secrets of Divine Realms. It was late at night the lights in my home were off. It was just me and my kindle and the 42 name of God.

The name started to glow in front of my very eyes. My eyes started to fog and glisten, like when tears are coming out. I blinked like maybe something was in my eyes. My eyes only got more 3 dimetional and the name became even brighter. I can feel this overwhelming energy.

Now the book doesn’t tell you this. This occurred through my kindle fire book (link below) because it was bright and the letters were bright.  Now the real magick. The next day I easily connected to my day. All I had to work on I simply worked on. I wrote chapters of my new book “The Awakening” easily and effortlessly.

Then my son calls me and tells me we had to pick up my grand-daughters from his mental ex baby momma. Now I lost my 9-5 all I have is my spiritual income. Even that has been a little slow. None of that unemployment and government stuff has manifested. At least not for me.

I mediate each day and each night, I also script. That night I connect with the 45 name of God. This is the name of prosperity.

This name manifested me more than the sum I organized that I needed. Overnight I had over $300.00 in different accounts. That is when I knew this is no joke. Now it is not just about manifesting money. I never asked for a specific amount. What I did was organize how much I needed. Plan out my trip (all in my head) focus on the Name of God and my goal of picking up my grand-daughters. The very next day it was all there.

Now I still meditate over the different names in the book. Nothing crazy has occurred but that was my Aha moment and all the “How to details” are in my new book “The Awakening” (link below).

God does not want us to live in poverty. God is a prosperous God and wants only abundance in our lives.

Love and Light


The Awakening, The truth, The Divine Manifesting power is yours now.

                                               The Awakening.

How many of you feel there is a truth that is right under your nose but you have not connected with it?

We are living under the ignorance that our government, schools, religions will take care of us. That the news shares the truth, that the churches connect you with God. Yet you feel this disconnection, this discord, you know you are being lied to.

We have a responsibility to our self to understand the true power of Divine energy.

A grand power that was embedded within us but fogged due to deep propaganda and hypnosis.

Have you noticed that at any age you do not remember things in your life? You forget things so easily. Your sometimes even speech impaired; you are not alone in these black outs. We are now recognizing something is wrong. There is more and this power is our given gifts. A gift that we are all holding within us.

Shut off the television and stay tuned for “The Awakening”.

Stop buying into all those programs that promise to make you rich and leave you feeling more stressed than when you started.

I want to share this truth with you right now. I have been working for over a decade on this decoding. This truth has been right within me but I could not truly see. We are all conditioned into this blindness and it is only getting worse.

We are all working on this paradigm universe that does not seem to get better. I stood up a few months ago and I said onto GOD.

If I am to live through this pandemic I want to share “The Truth”, with the universe.

This is not another self-help mumble-jumble. I live in true integrity. There is no one else sharing this the way I am. I know because I have researched this power for years and years. Everyone shares this little piece and then sells you information, rituals, and in the end, you are even more confused than when you started.


When I came across this power I was astonished at how simple yet how complex it was to acknowledge this truth.

When I created with this energy this divine power I asked WHY?

Why have we not all been taught this?

Spirit said.

“You were all born with this knowledge, This power has always been there simply waiting for you to tap into this divine energy. Created in such simple measures that children use it all the time. Once you leave that innocent energy, you become conditioned and even addicted to the outside noise. The chaos that seizes your true potential, that blocks your power and ability to live blissful lifestyles. Only a few live these lives. It is not about wealth but a truly abundant lifestyle. One where you can have and achieve anything your heart desires. Now you realize this and are astonished by the simplicity of this energy level. How easily you can tap into it whenever you like. You will teach this to others but not everyone will grasp the power. This divine energy cannot be used by all because they are so conditioned to not see. It is their choice to turn a blindside.

 You will though come across the open-ness of the minds of true believers. That will use this Divine energy and start living to their truest potentials almost instantaneously. Did you not ask for prosperity to go pick up your grand-daughters? This was your energy asking and it was transmuted overnight; was it not?  You woke up to the prosperity needed to achieve this outcome.  Everything was set in motion. You now have the prosperity and all the measures to pick up your grand-daughter and even more. Now you know, acknowledge and take action over this grand power. All humans have this power at their fingertips. It is yours to create the universe around you that you dream of. Share this knowledge with all we are right here with you.

Your divine angelic powers.

The awakening is your connection to Divine energy. It is organized in sections to fully understand and connect with this inner gift. This inner wisdom to decode the truth of who you are. Understanding this wisdom that we are all blessed with.

I am unveiling this power right before your eyes. It is available for pre-order (link Below) for less than a cup of coffee. It is up to you to absorb this power . I am the messenger, I am sharing the true secret of the universe to fully manifest your dreams. Please comment your questions. I will be live on Blogtalk radio.

The Book “The Awakening” available for preorder through Barnes and Noble and Apple books. I am also pretty sure you can order it at your local Barnes and Noble. LINKS below

What part of history are you on?

No one wants to hear this because no one wants to meditate. I haven’t meditated in a few months. Even then I only mediated periodically. When I was making 10,000 a month I was meditating daily.

Now why haven’t I restarted meditating?

That is the question.

If we know, If I know something was so great for me why am I not taking action on this?

We as humans are always looking for short cuts, we think if we do this magick or use that sigil or work this spell BAM!!! All our worries, problems will go away.

Money will land in our laps!

Soulmates will willingly walk up to our doors and ask to marry us!!

This is what we feel will occur if we do some of these spiritual techniques.

The truth is it all starts with the intention of seeking greater for ourselves and we must state, declare that we will change our lives.

We see this today. Our leaders are being seen for what they are. There is no hidden agenda. YET some of us have decided that the virus is not real. That we are being lied to about the deaths. Unless we personally know if someone has died we do not believe. Even then I have read that some are asking for autopsies because they still don’t believe it was due to this virus.

Here is the bigger picture.

What if it is all a lie. What if something other than this made up virus is killing these people?

What is the difference of you dying from this virus or some kind of unknown variation. People are still dying.

We hold the key to the outcomes of our lives.

We can be desperate and do some kind of energy work to manifest.

We can go outside and say Fuck it this is not real and I will be fine. Either way you are setting an intention and making a decision for your life.

Meditation is consciousness. No matter where you are standing in this point in history. Your actions create a results a ripple effect. You can use this time to meditate and grow spiritually. Or you can go back out there and fight the fight everyone seems to be fighting.

The choice is yours.

Now I know some are ready to point fingers and blame my words for the circumstances.

It is okay I understand we all need to work. We should stand up for our rights. Hey I am going to work just like everyone else. I donate to real funds that help real people. That is not what this is about. What I am sharing with you, is. this is a consciousness shift. The ones that are veiled, hypnotized are out fighting one another. For X reasons, because there are plenty of painful reasons to be fighting. I am the first one that looks on socials and becomes super upset.

The ones that are witnessing this shift and going within and expanding, those will change their lives.

It is your choice. Where? What part of history are you going to be a part of?

That is what you must ask yourself.

You must ask yourself where are you today? What do I want? Where do I want to be in my life?


I have linked some amazing meditations for you to start your spiritual shift and awakening.

How to create a gratitude list, My Scripting How to course, Goal setting ideas.

My Daily Gratitude list…

I am grateful for being able to support myself and my family do what I love.

I am grateful for everything I am reading, learning, and expanding my wisdom from.

I am grateful for feeling so great, and healthy.

I am grateful for all the individuals that I help, guide, and inspire to start living their own successful lifestyles.



To monetize my you tube channel and stream $1,000 monthly from the google ads revenue.

To create at least 6 Scripting journals for my KDP and book markets.

To have my scripting class live on my word press, with the coordinating youtube videos.

To have my successful psychic class up on my wordpress, Etsy shop, and the videos available on youtube.

To do the 30 videos for manifesting with the angels journal and workbook.


Everything you read above is my actual personal #scripting and #goalsetting journaling.

I now offer a How to script course Simply follow link below for all the details and as a Reader you receive 30% off with code LOVE444

Start #manifesting your dream life today.

I just uploaded some quick scripting video on youtube (link below).

Thanks for reading and pinning my posts.

Love and Light


Yotube videos PLEASE subscribe,share, like and comment!!!

The Power of #Scripting

The Power of #Scripting

I have been #scripting for years now. The truth is when I first started scripting I didn’t know what I was doing. The angels said to me

“We want you to journal but add the things you desire with what you are already grateful for.” At first it was odd and I didn’t understand. You might be standing where I was when the angels expressed this beautiful manifesting formula.

Now imagine you are journaling.

Dear Angels I am so grateful because today I was able to add this magnificent post to my blog (this is true). It was amazing that my post went viral. It was pinned by everyone that read the post. I have hundreds on comments and questions on the post. Angels I am truly excited and grateful for this amazing opportunity. So many readers emailed me their amazing scripting experiences. I am truly happy and grateful that my post has touched the lives of so many amazing readers. Thank you beautiful angels of light, thank you, thank you…


That is just a small glimpse. I started with the truth. I did write this amazing post to share with you a truly remarkable manifesting formula.

Now I do not take credit for this as many many have been shown this exact manifesting energy. I feel my angels shared it with me because I already journal.

You can script anything into your life.

Anything you desire.

NOW I know this sounds a little too hocus pocus. Here is my guarantee for you.

I would like for you to either use my printables or simply get a journal or a piece of paper.

I want you to write.

“Thank you Divine Providence for showing me_________________________________________ within 24 hours. I am truly grateful for your blessings and favor. Thank you, thank you, thank you….

You will write this little note out and add what sign you would like the divine, the universe to show you within 24 hours.

NOW don’t ask for something you do not believe because you want to prove something.

Manifesting is Faith belief GRATITUDE and pixie dust (the divine energy).


comment below what your 24 sign was!!!!!

If you would like some of my manifesting printables go on over to my #Etsy shop. Or email me at and I will send you some printables.


Scripting can change your life. Once you get into the habit of scripting and witness your first manifestations you will never look back.

There is magick behind this written formula.

I am giving you the beginner tools.

Simply start your scripting your with…..

“I am so happy and grateful now that I_______________________________

Add your dreams, desires, goals. The difference with my #scripting and others Scripting is I will add my real life gratitude’s with my dreams and desires. The energy of writing the haves with the wants entwines in this magick sequence tells Divine Providence that it is all yours.

My Printables are pretty and have done all the work for you. Simply go to dollar tree get a binder and add my printables to your binder. I will be sharing more on this magikal formula to living your true bliss.

This is my etsy

The Power of Prayer

Successful starts within.

No one truly understands all the factos aligned with true success.

Or what is true success?

for some it might be the size of their bank account.

for others it might be their relationship and joy in their life.

No matter where you have directed the meaning of success for your personal appeal; you must start within.



Praying in its trueness is quite rewarding. Issue is we are not all taught how to pray. We do not know there is a proper way to pray.

To pray is to surrender yourself to divine energy.

Now many will tell you it does not matter how you pray as long as you do. I am not one of the ones that will mis guide you.

While there is some truth in some prayer is better than no prayer.

There is a proper way to pray.

As I stated above you must surrender yourself to the divine and join the energy of light in all ways.

Completely let go of your surroundings and just be with the ones-ness.

You will want to go down into your surrender position on bend-ed knees align your hands together, bow your head, release, surrender your body, your essence and then begin.

There is a reason most organized religions teach you to pray this way. When you bring yourself to the level of surrender all your needs will be met.

You are showing the one-ness energy that you are in full alignment with source.

In this form you are at one their is no in-between you are create in God’s imagine and in this prayer form you are at one with God.

Many of you will feel that what I am sharing with you goes beyond your beliefs. Maybe you feel a bit ridiculous and think I am sharing non-sense. You can stop reading now because you will not want to know about hearing the divines voice.

Now lets continue when you start to pray in this manner you are in a heavenly state almost a subconscious hypnosis. Your truth starts to fill. Here is an example of what I am sharing with you. Have you ever seen children pray in this form? Have you really listened to what they ask for? Children in surrender prayer form are at one with God and therefore trust that God is there awaiting their requests. They feel this faith this connection and start to share the truth of what they want. Sometimes if you listen carefully you will hear the funniest request, wants, desires. Other times you will hear their surrender, their trauma, their please. The best way a child psychologist can truly find the source of a child’s trauma is through surrender prayer. It is a form of magick that brings you to a level of pure BLISS no matter your anguish. Pure conciseness like you have never experienced. You do not have to take my word for it. Go ahead give it a try, after all you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Take this prayer energy and go outside and connect with the all-ness in nature. The possibilities are infinite.


Let us now connect with the Divine to hear the voice of true-ness. Let us ask the questions we so desperately seek the answers for and truly connect. This form of connect is better known as meditative state. Today we can study grates who have lived their lives in pure-ness through daily meditation. You can read over and over how people claim their lives have shifted completely because of daily mediation.

Steve Jobs swore by this book. He would read this book every single year. What powers did Autobiography of a yogi hold. If you read the book you flow into a beyond human reality plain. You recognize that he is not living in the human plain. Many individuals claim this energy and live by it. We can live in chaos or we can live in joy. The choice is yours.

If you never ever read a book but just one in your entire human life read Autobiography of a YOGI your state of consciousness will completely shit.


In mediation I have healed people, vanquished lower vibrational energies, read home energies and prescribed spiritual remedies. See I live my life in another dimension. Though Some humans do piss me off and I fight back. I let go and surrender this tension to the divine, release, forgive and connect within and start fresh.

The world controllers want to control you and they are doing a great job. This is why divine energy sends these waves of transition for you to wake up and act upon the truth, the real reality.

Mediation is when you align and hear the voice of truth. I have gone to the angelic realm and meet my guardians, spoke to them and enjoyed some amazing knowledge. The Catholics tried to keep the name of God from me and in mediation God reveled one of the many names to me. I have connected with Dr. Wayne Dyer, I am now working with Napoleon Hill.

Napoleon Hill shares a secret in his book “Think and Grow Rich”. but he claims he cannot share it with you. That you must find the secret for yourself. I connected with Napoleon Hill and I received my answer. The difference with now and 100 years ago is Napoleon Hill could not share this secret. He was bond to secrecy by a lower vibrational energy. You can read about it in the book below. I connected with him and he not only shared with me the secret but he shared with me every bit of it. I am working on the book now. Release should be Winter 2020.

Dr. Dyer shares with me the energy we must connect to. Dr. Dyer taught me about the Now moment. 80% of humans do not live in the now moment. They are worried about tomorrow and regretting yesterday. The best way to connect with your Now moment is through journaling.

I take my journal with me everywhere.

The power of meditation can make you truly successful beyond your dreams. See the conscious mind is always being obstructed by outside noise. You are overwhelmed, negative thoughts can seize your moment. When you sit and meditate or journal through scripting format you cut out the outside noise and once again allow the divine energy within.

In this meditative state you can ask questions, receive answers, signs, confirmations, illustrations. The divine energy will work with your imagery.

You must of course be willing to let go of the control mindset and get out of that square space. Follow the lines is fine when you are not wanting, but when you desire greatness, bliss, joy, and true success you need to go outside.

Thank you for all your support. I am sharing new courses and I have one opening for spiritual work. I will be sharing this in my products page soon.

Meanwhile research expand your horizon and never let a close door lock you out of your true potential.

Love and Light

Daisy Fabelo

Organize to Save!!

Organize to Save!!

We are all on a bit of Life Transition.

We have been home for a little over two months, some even longer.

Today the US #Government announced we are open for business.

Everything is different. Where I work we are only running on a 20% capacity.

This means I am not going to be making as much as I would like (I am a bartender/server).

We must all look into alternatives to making money.

I have found two more.

I just monetized my blog (please support my work by sharing and pinning me on your boards).

My husband LOVES collecting and he is now running a side business from his hobby.

I also do Amazon FBA. FBA stopped us selling during the major pandemic in March and April. In May they allowed us to start selling again. I just sent it some merchandise and added some new products that I will ship myself.

I have one product that does very nice for me. It brings me about $1,000 a month. Just from that one item.

I am also doing my books on KDP and I am now expanding my books on

Book Rix

Barnes & Noble

Apple ebooks

Notion press


Smash words.


I am also selling my healing products.

During the different phases of the moon, I create different oils.

These past few months I create protection, healing, prosperity oil.

It is pretty amazing and I am almost SOLD OUT!!! Simply Paypal me $12.00 and in the notes put protection full moon oil. Make sure your address in the US is correct shipping is FREE! Paypal email


I am also selling my new #scripting journals (link below). Manifesting Scripting journal

I am now adding them as printables to my #etsy spiritual shop (link below).


I am couponing and I am selling couponing courses.

I am making everything really cheap because we all need to work together.

My couponing courses will be done through here. and they are only $7.00 for the entire course. (please subscribe to my #blog)

We must all be extremely frugal right now.

I always recommend to coupon because you won’t run out of the essentials. Plus you save so much money.

Now How do I organize all of my daily to do’s?

I will be honest it is a bit overwhelming sometimes.

What works for me is a major To Do organizational printouts.

I have a daily Planner

weekly planner

and monthly planner.

I write down what I need to do each day. Along with note on priority.

This link is for Yona’s beautiful Printables and artistci creations.

I have her daily planner download and I just print how many I need.

Organizing our lives a living a productive lifestyle.

Organizing my to do’s by day works great for me.

An example I will post new blogs twice a week and add this to my daily to do sheet.

If something comes up like new creative endeavors I need to work on. I adjust the planners and add them in.

I never through my lists away as I enjoy adding notes, and ideas.

Couponing on Sundays.

Journal every day or every other day.

Script before bed or on rising in the morning.

I add my daily pills and dietary intake. This way I do not forget anything.

A to-do weekly daily and monthly is to help organize you. If I do not complete something I can add it to another day.


In the same binder, I have my coupons post-it notes, scrap paper filled with nightly inspiration, or dreams.

I also add little notes if I am to complete spiritual healing for clients.

If you organize your life through simple planning you will save time, and money.

Angel Magick for beginners

Angel Magick for beginners.

If you are wondering what Angel Magick is here is the best place to start.


Angel Magick has been around infinitely.

 In the bible, we know that God sends angels to help us, save us, and guide us.

Versus in the bible where angels are referenced (below).

Psalms 91:11 – For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways.

Hebrews 13:2 – Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.

Hebrews 1:14 – Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation?

Psalms 103:20 – Bless the LORD, ye his angels, that excel in strength, that do his commandments, hearkening unto the voice of his word.

Psalms 34:7 – The angel of the LORD encampeth round about them that fear him, and delivereth them.

Isaiah 6:2 – Above it stood the seraphims: each one had six wings; with twain he covered his face, and with twain he covered his feet, and with twain he did fly.

Jude 1:6 – And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day.

Revelation 19:10 – And I fell at his feet to worship him. And he said unto me, See [thou do it] not: I am thy fellowservant, and of thy brethren that have the testimony of Jesus: worship God: for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.

Matthew 24:31 – And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.

Matthew 18:10 – Take heed that ye despise not one of these little ones; for I say unto you, That in heaven their angels do always behold the face of my Father which is in heaven.


Angel Magick is us humans meets supernatural.

Are you fans of Sam and Dean?

If you remember Sam and Dean worked with angels in most if not all their seasons. Castiel was their main guardian angel.

Do you remember some of the magikal angel rituals?

Well, Supernatural does support a reference to a lot of mysticism in their shows. The angel Magick reference is quite accurate.

I will share with you some of my favorite references on Angel Magick here.

I will express something to you right now.

Once you embark on a journey where your angels are supporting your daily life.

You become limitless.

Life will be amazing, you will no longer be or see what was. BUT you will be fearless, you will triumph and live a life filled with joy and pure BLISS.


I consult with my angels for anything and everything.

From this Blog, you are reading to my many online businesses.

My angels help and guide me through each and every step.

Now I invite you to start your own angel journey.

The first book I will share with you is my personal book.

I wrote this book through auto writing with my angelic team.

Specific angels of abundance are in this book and once you along with their energy your world around you will shift.


In my book, I will walk you through different levels of human healing. Through this transition, you will embark on a path to pure bliss. Of course theirs a catch!

you have to actually do it.

This is the major human flaw.

You are mostly conditioned to NOT BELIVE and therefore not take the action steps to live in bliss.

In this time in our lives, the world is in chaos and you feel confused and filled with fear.

I know because I have moments of fear. This is why I am so gracious that I have an angelic team eager to work with me any time day or night.

My book comes in eBook form and softcover.

Angel Magick

Both have areas to write because you will need to take notes and write about your experiences. You want to do this for your personal confirmation.

The miracles you will witness with cease to amaze.

But remember this is all up to you!!!!

You can either do it or not simply!!!!


Next reference

Rose Manning.

I downloaded all three of her books the same night and read all of them in two days.

She is that good. Compared to other books I have read like Damon Brand who is pretty great and a bestseller Rose Manning is simply and authentically real.

I have used two of her books along with the years of knowledge to connect both magicks and my life is blooming.

two of my online business are flourishing. Though I am not working money unexpectedly turns up, (not even from my business’s ) it is pretty amazing.

I have manifested a new dining room table that I love and wanted so badly.

My garden is flourishing and growing lush and so yummy.


Here is the BIG one and a huge secret (My kids don’t know Its a surprise for them ).

I am buying two houses right next to each other, they are being built and will be ready this winter 2020!!!!!

Can you imagine my kids when I give them the deeds to their brand new homes!!!!

I am eager.

I am joyful!

I am pure abundance!!

I am pure perfect health!!!

I am truly grateful!!!!!

So what are you waiting for!!!!?????

Angel Magick by Rose Manning this one is my favorite

This next link connects you more with your angels the way I have always connected and is extremely similar to my journey with the angel magick book I shared with you above by Me (Daisy Fabelo).

Angels of fortune

In the above link, the book is like 30 pages and you will read them and start your ritual in like 30 minutes.

It is simple and precise I truly enjoyed it and I know you will too.

Please come back and comment on your experience and leave her a 5**** review she deserves it.


What about some angel magick for this pandemic.

Well, Rose Manning created a book for healing. I am a healer, as a matter of fact, I have created extremely powerful healing and protection oils during this past #superfullmoon.

You can email me for some they are only $12.22 Free US shipping (

I will send you the How to and description for my oils.

Rose Mannings Healing with the angel’s Book has a specific angel for each ailment. I found the skin disorder one to be GREAT for hair loss and of course skin issues.

The results are amazing and magical!

Now if you want to still check out Damon Brand his link is also below. I do have some of his books my issue is he also works with demons and that is so not for me.

Damon Brand


You must start a magick journal. The angels appreciate and It is also a seal of approval.


I have created numerous journals with scripting and gratitude (links are below).

I have blessed my work so you are getting an amazing journal filled with positive energy.

Plus you are supporting all my work and research.

Links to my journals below.

Manifesting your dreams journal




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