The Power of #Scripting

The Power of #Scripting

I have been #scripting for years now. The truth is when I first started scripting I didn’t know what I was doing. The angels said to me

“We want you to journal but add the things you desire with what you are already grateful for.” At first it was odd and I didn’t understand. You might be standing where I was when the angels expressed this beautiful manifesting formula.

Now imagine you are journaling.

Dear Angels I am so grateful because today I was able to add this magnificent post to my blog (this is true). It was amazing that my post went viral. It was pinned by everyone that read the post. I have hundreds on comments and questions on the post. Angels I am truly excited and grateful for this amazing opportunity. So many readers emailed me their amazing scripting experiences. I am truly happy and grateful that my post has touched the lives of so many amazing readers. Thank you beautiful angels of light, thank you, thank you…


That is just a small glimpse. I started with the truth. I did write this amazing post to share with you a truly remarkable manifesting formula.

Now I do not take credit for this as many many have been shown this exact manifesting energy. I feel my angels shared it with me because I already journal.

You can script anything into your life.

Anything you desire.

NOW I know this sounds a little too hocus pocus. Here is my guarantee for you.

I would like for you to either use my printables or simply get a journal or a piece of paper.

I want you to write.

“Thank you Divine Providence for showing me_________________________________________ within 24 hours. I am truly grateful for your blessings and favor. Thank you, thank you, thank you….

You will write this little note out and add what sign you would like the divine, the universe to show you within 24 hours.

NOW don’t ask for something you do not believe because you want to prove something.

Manifesting is Faith belief GRATITUDE and pixie dust (the divine energy).


comment below what your 24 sign was!!!!!

If you would like some of my manifesting printables go on over to my #Etsy shop. Or email me at and I will send you some printables.


Scripting can change your life. Once you get into the habit of scripting and witness your first manifestations you will never look back.

There is magick behind this written formula.

I am giving you the beginner tools.

Simply start your scripting your with…..

“I am so happy and grateful now that I_______________________________

Add your dreams, desires, goals. The difference with my #scripting and others Scripting is I will add my real life gratitude’s with my dreams and desires. The energy of writing the haves with the wants entwines in this magick sequence tells Divine Providence that it is all yours.

My Printables are pretty and have done all the work for you. Simply go to dollar tree get a binder and add my printables to your binder. I will be sharing more on this magikal formula to living your true bliss.

This is my etsy

Published by silvermist1305

Daisy Fabelo is a hardworking hopeful woman who is seeking to live a truly prosperous lifestyle. She will be using her channels to share her passions and the truth of her journey and lifestyle.

One thought on “The Power of #Scripting

  1. I will add my sign story. I ask the Divine for a sign and I kept repeating something Esther Hicks said.
    She said you can manifest a castle as easy as a button.
    I was walking around I do affirmations anywhere and everywhere. As I am walking I am inwardly arguing with spirit. I said How will I even manifest a button I haven’t seen a button in years. I should change it to like a penny or something.
    I can imagine spirit rolling her eyes.
    I walked into a store that same day in that same walk. In the store their was a display that seemed to glow. I walked right up to it and yep you guessed right.
    BUTTONS everything was BUTTONS earrings bracelets jewelry Like buttons in every which way.
    Of course my eyes welled up and people prob thought I was crazy but God spoke Loud and gave me my sign.
    BUTTONS!!! Never again have I really seen buttons unless I went to buy some..
    what is your story???

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